Who wants to do a 90-day Book of Mormon challenge this summer?

Oh, my soul feels thrilled to be back into this book. I can’t get enough of the Book of Mormon! 

This is me on day one of last summer’s 90-day challenge. I love studying outside.

After teaching the Old Testament in seminary this year, which is great, I still missed the Book of Mormon. 

Last summer I created a 90-Day Book of Mormon challenge with a Facebook community of wonderful scripture lovin’ folks! 

This summer because I’m building a business of life coaching and teaching classes, I asked for volunteers to take charge of the Facebook group. They’re up and running, gearing up to start on June first! I’m not sure if I’ll be reading the six pages a day or finishing in 90 days this summer, but I just started and my soul is loving it already! 

I have fond memories last summer of our family scripture study being wherever Mom is reading that day. Some families even tackled it all together, which is AWESOME! 

Click here to join the 90-day Book of Mormon Challenge Facebook group. 

Click here to see my post last summer that explains the 90-day challenge. 

Click here for scripture feasting tools I posted last summer to help the scriptures come alive!

4 thoughts on “Who wants to do a 90-day Book of Mormon challenge this summer?”

  1. I love doing a quick pace like 30 or 90 days sometimes. Right now I'm doing the opposite however! I'm reading a chapter a day and journaling on every single chapter of the Book of Mormon. Sometimes the journal is just about what happened in the chapter, other times it is a verse that stood out to me or sent me on a search through the scriptures to understand it more. I write down the thoughts that come to mind and the connections the Spirit shows me.

    My 10 year old daughter just finished reading the Book of Mormon for the first time (took her 2 years) and my 11 year old son will be finishing his first reading of the Book of Mormon in about 90 days, he's late in Alma right now. 🙂

    Enjoy your 90 days!


  2. Becky, how do I reach you? I don't see an email anywhere on your blog. I'd love to have you look at a new book and possibly get a review or post about the topic. It's called, “How to Talk to your Kids about Pornography,” from LDS author, Dina Alexander. She runs a nonprofit called Educate and Empower Kids.

    Blog on, I love what you're teaching!


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