Friends, Please vote! If I teach a free online class soon, which topic would you prefer?

Please comment below, and if you like more than one, please number them in order of preference. Thanks!!

1) Three Keys to Spiritual Preparedness and Emotional Resilience for Challenging Times 

2) Morning Power Up! 
A simple system to turn the first hour of your morning into a focused, positive, productive, powerful jump start to the rest of your day. 

3) Scripture Scuba Diving
Simple tools you can use right away to go deeper, make the scriptures come alive, and feel closer to Christ.

4) Tools of Transformation
Simple and powerful tools to reach your goals and the next level in your life.  Release the negative and power up the positive thoughts emotions, relationships, habits, and results. 

5) Create Order
Order in your home, time, routines, systems, papers, and family can free you to transform and live your purpose. 

6) Food and Mood
How your body, mind, emotions, and spirit are connected. Simple systems of eating and techniques for a great mood and a clear head. 

17 thoughts on “Friends, Please vote! If I teach a free online class soon, which topic would you prefer?”

  1. they all sound wonderful so I have done an order of importance list.
    from most important to my life now to least important in my life now
    5,1,4,3,2,and then 6
    Looking forward to it/them


  2. First of all I must tell you how much I love and appreciate your blog. I have used the information you provide here in so many different ways. I turn to your blog as a resource almost daily. Thank you for making such a positive difference! It is nice to have a 100% reliable source to go to on the internet.

    I would love to explore these topics:
    1st Three keys to spiritual preparedness
    2nd Scripture scuba diving
    3rd Create order


  3. Love your blog! I've adopted many of your scripture study ideas & they have brought more depth to the scriptures & increased love of the Savior.
    Thank you so much.
    My preferences are:


  4. It is too hard to choose. All of them would be good for me. I guess I would want to start with either one of the scripture based ones. Thank you for having such a wonderful blog.
    Linda Nieto


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