The magic of a 15-minute family work project this summer!

Are you wanting your home spiffed up this summer? 

Deep cleaning done? Stuff organized? Your kids learning life skills and teamwork? 

Check, check, and check. 

It is amazing how much progress you can make when several people focus on one work project. Today we started a simple routine of focusing on one area together for 15 minutes. This is something we add to our normal morning chores and family devotional. 

Day one today was the living room!  

I organized toddler books into bins on the bottom shelf of the coffee table. 

My son dusted plants and trees by spraying with a hose. 

Another son organized a magazine basket. 
My husband vacuumed the sofas and beneath the cushions. 

My daughter did a thorough dusting/washing of the hard surfaces. 

Aaahhhh. Even though the list isn’t finished yet, the room already looks and feels better! 

Here’s my brainstorm list of chores to spiff up the living room. 

Sometimes we get going and decided to work longer one day and skip the next few days. 

Click here to see a post about doing 15-minute family work projects from a couple years ago. 

Click here to see the Edwards’ family five-part housework system. 

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