Ask the Lord to tutor you in how the Holy Ghost speaks to you

Here’s my favorite quote from Sheri Dew’s BYU-I Devotional last month. After I learned this concept from her years ago I’ve shared it with countless others. 

“Ask the Lord to teach you what it feels and sounds like for you when He is speaking to you via the Holy Ghost, and then watch how He tutors you. And, second, if you’ve never asked the Lord how He feels about you, that is a great question to ask. In time, He will tell you, and as He does, you’ll learn more about speaking His language. When the Lord sees that you want to communicate with Him, He will teach you how.”  

Click here for Sheri Dew’s entire talk. 

May I suggest you take notes as you receive messages from heaven? Elder Scott talked about how much Heavenly Father appreciates our writing down little promptings we receive, and makes Him more likely to give us more. 

Julie Beck was the one who said my favorite quote ever about personal revelation. 

“The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life” (Ensign, May, 2010, emphasis added).  

  • Click here for WHY: 20 Reasons Why Personal Revelation is Important. 
  • Click here for HOW: 20 Ways We Receive Personal Revelation. 
  • Click here for WHAT: 20 Things We can Do to Receive Personal Revelation

THIS WEEK I’m teaching a class for those who’ve received training as a mentor or life coach, but need some help getting started as a mentor!

Click here to register for the class THIS THURSDAY, June 9 from 8-9:30 pm. For those who can’t attend and still register, you’ll receive a recording of the class.  

Have you received some training as a mentor or coach, but wish you had someone to hold your hand and walk you through the beginning steps? 

Although I felt called to do this, I felt scared to start mentoring others!

I had lots of unanswered questions and walls to overcome!

  • How to get started? 
  • What does a first appointment look like? And follow up appointments? 
  • What forms help a mentor keep things organized and streamlined? 
  • How do I know which techniques to use and which issues to address? 
  • What routines should I do before and after each appointment? 
  • What supplies should I bring, and which ones to share with the client? 
  • How can I set up simple accountability to help the client succeed? 
  • How can I share my vision of my client’s potential with him or her? 
  • How can I best work on my mind set as a mentor? 
  • What techniques can help attract new clients? 
  • How to integrate techniques from other trainings in emotional release or energy work?
As a former professional organizer, I’ve developed simple systems that streamline how I keep track of what I’m doing with each client, and help me know what techniques and issues to address at future appointments. 
I love the “law of the freeway,” that there are always people ahead, behind, and beside us. It’s great to keep learning from and sharing with each other along the path! 

The world needs quality mentors to help people reach the next level. You can do this, and I’m here to help you!



If you refer a friend who also signs up, you get a free copy of my charts and forms!

You’ll be emailed a link to join the online class.

For those who want the training but can’t attend that evening, you’ll be mailed a recording of the class. 

About Becky

Becky’s mission is to inspire, empower, and free people to become and do what God sent them here to become and do. She helps people put their lives in order so they can live their higher purpose.

  • Mentor
  • Currently a coach for Kirk Duncan’s Elite Mentoring program 
  • Professional organizer for 23 years 
  • Speaker for 19 years, spoke at BYU Women’s Conference 
  • Emotional release and energy worker 20 years
  • Owner of Purpose Driven Motherhood blog
  • Teacher of LDS seminary and institute 
  • Taught “Wanna Get Organized” classes 6 years
  • Has overcome depression, memory issues, focus and attention issues 
  • Skilled in gluten-free and dairy-free eating
  • Created a system of 25 tools for scripture feasting, and 15 tools for power praying 
  • Happy, successful marriage for 25 years
  • Has overcome an eating disorder and body image issues
  • Mother of five, grandmother of two, homeschooler, missionary mom
  • Healthy and fit, has mentored people in simple systems for eating healthy 
  • Helped people through unanswered gospel questions and faith crises
  • Board member and social media expert for Moms’ Retreat
  • Created 90-Day Book of Mormon Challenge with Facebook group for more than 1,500 people

Click here to register for the class THIS THURSDAY, June 9 from 8-9:30 pm. For those who can’t attend and still register, you’ll receive a recording of the class.  

The magic of a 15-minute family work project this summer!

Are you wanting your home spiffed up this summer? 

Deep cleaning done? Stuff organized? Your kids learning life skills and teamwork? 

Check, check, and check. 

It is amazing how much progress you can make when several people focus on one work project. Today we started a simple routine of focusing on one area together for 15 minutes. This is something we add to our normal morning chores and family devotional. 

Day one today was the living room!  

I organized toddler books into bins on the bottom shelf of the coffee table. 

My son dusted plants and trees by spraying with a hose. 

Another son organized a magazine basket. 
My husband vacuumed the sofas and beneath the cushions. 

My daughter did a thorough dusting/washing of the hard surfaces. 

Aaahhhh. Even though the list isn’t finished yet, the room already looks and feels better! 

Here’s my brainstorm list of chores to spiff up the living room. 

Sometimes we get going and decided to work longer one day and skip the next few days. 

Click here to see a post about doing 15-minute family work projects from a couple years ago. 

Click here to see the Edwards’ family five-part housework system. 

Friends, Please vote! If I teach a free online class soon, which topic would you prefer?

Please comment below, and if you like more than one, please number them in order of preference. Thanks!!

1) Three Keys to Spiritual Preparedness and Emotional Resilience for Challenging Times 

2) Morning Power Up! 
A simple system to turn the first hour of your morning into a focused, positive, productive, powerful jump start to the rest of your day. 

3) Scripture Scuba Diving
Simple tools you can use right away to go deeper, make the scriptures come alive, and feel closer to Christ.

4) Tools of Transformation
Simple and powerful tools to reach your goals and the next level in your life.  Release the negative and power up the positive thoughts emotions, relationships, habits, and results. 

5) Create Order
Order in your home, time, routines, systems, papers, and family can free you to transform and live your purpose. 

6) Food and Mood
How your body, mind, emotions, and spirit are connected. Simple systems of eating and techniques for a great mood and a clear head. 

Who wants to do a 90-day Book of Mormon challenge this summer?

Oh, my soul feels thrilled to be back into this book. I can’t get enough of the Book of Mormon! 

This is me on day one of last summer’s 90-day challenge. I love studying outside.

After teaching the Old Testament in seminary this year, which is great, I still missed the Book of Mormon. 

Last summer I created a 90-Day Book of Mormon challenge with a Facebook community of wonderful scripture lovin’ folks! 

This summer because I’m building a business of life coaching and teaching classes, I asked for volunteers to take charge of the Facebook group. They’re up and running, gearing up to start on June first! I’m not sure if I’ll be reading the six pages a day or finishing in 90 days this summer, but I just started and my soul is loving it already! 

I have fond memories last summer of our family scripture study being wherever Mom is reading that day. Some families even tackled it all together, which is AWESOME! 

Click here to join the 90-day Book of Mormon Challenge Facebook group. 

Click here to see my post last summer that explains the 90-day challenge. 

Click here for scripture feasting tools I posted last summer to help the scriptures come alive!

Healthy Chocolate Fondue!

Yes, this does taste as delicious as it looks! 

 Healthy Chocolate Fondue 

1 cup coconut cream*
1 cup honey (ideally raw) 
1 cup cocoa powder 

Combine and mix. Because my honey is thick I warmed the mixture over the stove with a wire whisk. Don’t get it hot if you want to keep the health properties of raw honey. If your honey is thinner, you can try a whisk in a bowl, or you could use a blender.  
*I used the thick part and not the watery part of the coconut cream. The coconut cream came from Trader Joe’s. It looks like the Thai Kitchen brand coconut milk I buy at Wal-mart, but with less liquid. So I bet you could use coconut milk and again, just use the thick part. Try it and see what you think!

Here’s a little treat dish I took to my neighbor who, like me, likes chocolate AND likes to eat healthy. She was thrilled! 

LDS-based Curriculum for Homeschool Families

When my children were younger I loved using the Family School curriculum by Latter-day Learning. Now that they’re older, they are in private school programs. But here is a great option for teens that I want to share. 

Latter-day Learning is pleased to announce three options for homeschoolers in grades 7–12 for 2016–2017:

  1. Accredited, Self-paced Courses. Self-paced, accredited courses, including assignments, feedback, and grading are available year round, starting Tuesday, August 23, 2016. Transcript credit is awarded upon course completion.
  2. Accredited, Online Cohort. Live, interactive webinars begin Tuesday August 23, 2016 and follow a school-year calendar. Limited seats are available by application only. Transcript credit is awarded upon course completion.
  3. Non-Accredited, Curriculum Only. Our curriculum for grades 7–12 can be used by homeschools, co-ops, or academies, any time, any place, and at any pace—but without AHS transcript credit or grading services.
For further information, visit the Grade 7–12 Homeschools FAQ page.

I’m speaking this Saturday at an event "Preparing with the Spirit" in Ogden, Utah!

Click here for details and to register for this FREE EVENT! I’ll be speaking on “Spiritual and Emotional Resiliency During Challenging Times.” 

It’s Friday and Saturday, May 27-28 in Ogden, Utah. 

Space is limited so be sure to register online at the link above. If you come, please stop and say hello! 

Here’s my speaker bio for the class: Becky Edwards is a life coach, speaker, blogger, professional organizer, BYU Women’s Conference 2015 presenter, Moms’ Retreat board member, and homeschooler.  She has taught early morning seminary and institute. Becky’s passion for preparedness started during college when she kept a stock of supplies under her bed, had a food storage bridal shower, and built pantries in her newlywed apartment. Becky believes Dallin H. Oaks when he said, “A 72-hour kit of temporal supplies may prove valuable for earthly challenges, but, as the foolish virgins learned to their sorrow, a 24-hour kit of spiritual preparation is of greater and more enduring value.” (“Preparation for the Second Coming,” Ensign, May, 2004).  Becky has a passion for teaching spiritual and emotional resiliency so people can be grounded in a place of peace and strength, rather than paralyzed by shock and fear during challenging times ahead.  Becky and Mike have five children and two grandchildren. Becky graduated from BYU studying parenting, marriage, and counseling.  You can see her blog at
Click here for more posts about preparedness. 

"People and Principles Activity" for our Last Day of Old Testament Seminary, and FHE Idea

This is my last week of teaching Old Testament seminary! I love, love, love my students! 

Tomorrow we’ll close out the year with a people and principles activity and then a testimony meeting. 

Here’s the activity we’re doing. You can adapt it for a class or family home evening with teens. This would be a great FHE as the year of seminary comes to a close. 

Here are the steps to this activity. It would be a great FHE with any people from the scriptures any time of year.

  1. Each person chooses an Old Testament person from slips of paper. 
  2. Give about 5-10 minutes to: 
    1. Review the story in the Old Testament 
    2. Choose a favorite verse in the story 
    3. Choose a principle (a life lesson you can use) from the story
  3. Then take turns sharing the person, favorite verse, and principle with the group. 

Here’s the list we’re using. For a smaller group, you could still use this many and let people choose more than one person, or reduce your list to the size of your class or family. 

1. Adam and Eve

2. Noah

3. Abraham 

4. Jacob 

5. Joseph of Egypt 

6. Moses 

7. Israelites

8. Joshua 

9. Gideon 

10. Samson

11. Ruth

12. Samuel 

13. Saul 

14. David 

15. Solomon 

16. Elijah 

17. Elisha

18. Jonah

19. Daniel 

20. Esther 

21. Job